
We would love to pray for you!


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If you would like us to pray for yourself or someone else, you are welcome to fill out the form below.

You can include your name, or write anonymously by leaving your name as “Anonymous”. Your story will appear on Prayer Board after being approved by a moderator.


“Bless the LORD, O my soul. O LORD my God, thou art very great; thou art clothed with honour and majesty.” (Psalm 104:1 KJV)

Healing in Illinois

Please pray for an older woman from my church named Elsie. She is 108 years old and she fell and broke her hip and shoulder. She needs a divine healing from the Lord.


Healing in Illinois

Please pray for my friend, Tonya. She is having some major dental work done this week. Pray that the dental work goes well, and that she will recover and adjust quickly. Also, pray that it is not too difficult for her. Thank you.


Special Needs

Father God, please guide me in using my Cricut machines with my devices—computer, phone, and printer. I’m struggling to create my products despite Your blessings. Help me recall all the necessary steps to make gifts and items for sale. Enable me to move into my own home and retrieve my belongings from storage. I thank You in advance and love You, Father God. Amen.


Special Needs in Indiana

Thanks for offering prayer. I’m a Christian in a senior apartment. My neighbor has cancer with little treatment. She’s more open spiritually now. Pray she asks about Jesus or show me if I should start. She texts occasionally and struggles at home. I’ve offered help. Pray for chances to talk. Thanks for praying for her salvation.


Provision Needs in Kentucky

Please pray for me to meet the woman I am meant to marry. Ask God to send my future spouse into my life.



Please pray for my healing. My left leg is severely swollen, and my left ankle is damaged, making it difficult for me to walk. Thank you, and may God bless you.


Healing in Florida

I urgently need prayers to rid myself of demon spirits that are affecting my neck and entire body. I’m experiencing intense spiritual warfare and attacks, particularly due to Haitian voodoo rituals that have been performed on me. Please pray for the removal of these demonic forces. Thank you.


Healing in California

Could you pray for my intense and ongoing pain in my right hip, leg, ankle, and lower back? I’m also asking for prayers for my 82-year-old mother who’s struggling with fatigue and tremors from Parkinson’s Disease. Additionally, please pray for my cousin, who’s been living with schizophrenia since he was a teenager and is now 61.


Special Needs

Father God, I ask for the disturbance caused by loud music to be resolved. May the situation of noise disturbance in the street due to loud music from their apartment be addressed promptly. I also pray for a peaceful environment in the apartment complex without any noisy tenants. Amen.


Healing in Florida

I would like prayers for myself and my husband as we age and experience increasing pain. My husband suffers from nerve and arthritis pain, as well as headaches. Please help me pray for him by pleading the blood of our Lord over him. I also need prayers for arthritis pain in my knees and kidney issues, along with high blood pressure. Please include us in your daily prayers. Thank you in Jesus Christ’s name.


Healing in Michigan

Please pray for my nephew’s healing from any brain damage and for his mental stability. In Jesus’ name, thank you!


Healing in North Carolina

I am having surgery tomorrow. I’m feeling unwell and anxious about the procedure. This is my second battle with cancer, and now I’m dealing with kidney issues and dialysis. I feel weak, short of breath, and experience daily headaches. I trust in God’s will and timing, but there are things I’d like to accomplish, like finishing a book and writing notes to friends. I need to feel better for this and for a successful surgery to help with my dialysis. Thank you for your heartfelt prayers for others.


Healing in California

I request prayer for my urinary tract infection, acid reflux, and gum infection. Additionally, I ask for prayer for my father’s swollen feet. Thank you.


Special Needs

Please agree with me in prayer. Father God, I ask for your help as I start my own podcast. I have the necessary equipment and am eager to connect with a wide audience. I seek to share messages of faith and hope that resonate with people from all backgrounds. Thank you for your guidance and love. Amen.



Please pray for healing for my lungs and breathing issues.


Provision Needs in North Carolina

I need grace to help me trust God in my circumstances. I also need a decent job and financial provision to manage debt and live a godly life that will testify to our Lord.


Healing in California

Please pray for us. I have parasites and am now in a wheelchair due to unbearable pain. My husband of 33 years, who is my caretaker, has metastasized ocular cancer, causing vision loss in one eye and now it’s in his liver for the 3rd time, making surgery more complicated. He’s in a cancer trial, praying for healing. Our adult daughter, who lives with us, has Potts/Mast Cell/Severe Celiac disease. She struggles to control her emotions, having fits of rage and feeling unloved. Our situation is bleak. Thank you for your prayers.


Healing in New Jersey

Pray for a loved one’s salvation and healing.


Healing in New York

Please pray for my sister-in-law who has been diagnosed with Stage 4 Cancer that has spread to her lymphatic system and bones. Additionally, half of her body is swollen, and fluid has been filling her chest. Please pray for her complete healing by God, and for all involved to have wisdom, knowledge, joy, and peace.


Healing in Wisconsin

Please pray for my deliverance from chronic fatigue syndrome. Thank you!


Provision Needs in Texas

I’m praying for the manager position in the service department, for higher pay as an advisor until then, and approval for an apartment at the Estates. Also, I’m praying for safety in daily travel, good health, and God’s forgiveness, love, grace, mercy, and favor. Amen.


Provision Needs in California

I pray that God will move me to Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, so I can attend Rhema Bible Church.


Healing in New Jersey

Pray for healing for my head, mind, and brain—I’m experiencing spaciness, haziness, and light-headedness. Sleep is scarce, leaving me feeling broken. This affects my life—I’m missing family and friends, unable to live as I used to. I surrender to the Lord, asking for restoration and renewal. I choose life and Jesus, believing in healing, though it’s slow. I yearn to live fully!


Healing in Alabama

Please pray for my loved one fighting cancer.


Family Concerns in Texas

I’m praying for my children that they surrender themselves to Christ Jesus. Also, I’m praying for myself and my marriage, that we focus on Jesus. Additionally, I’m praying for family, friends, and even my enemies. Lastly, I’m praying for our spiritual leaders, natural leaders, and their families.


Provision Needs

We need a miracle breakthrough in finances, healing, and deliverance.


Words of Encouragement

Pray for protection from our enemies, haters, and those who envy us. May their envy, which causes harm, be blocked in Jesus’ name. Amen. We ask for all curses, witchcraft, voodoo, and the evil eye directed towards us to be blocked and have no effect on our lives in Jesus Christ’s name. Amen. Thank you, Jesus.


Special Needs

Hello, I request prayers for my 94-year-old mother who has dementia and is deteriorating. She experiences frequent confusion and occasional anger issues. I am her caregiver and live with her. I am grateful for all the prayer partners at TCT and their dedicated commitment to praying for people. I also want to express my gratitude to TCT for their excellent television network and their efforts in promoting the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Thank you very much.


Healing in New York

Praise for the delightful FaceTime celebration of my granddaughter’s 7th birthday today. Praying for transformative experiences and mercy, protection for our borders by God’s angels, repentance and anointing for those in need, and increased discernment and repentance for our nation.


Provision Needs in North Carolina

May God grant me His favor, mercy, and protection for my upcoming trip back home next week.


Healing in Jew Jersey

I lift up those who are dear to us, their families, and loved ones. Bless our friends, neighbors, and community members, as well as our colleagues. May institutions like colleges and churches be filled with your grace and guidance.


Healing in Michigan

Kindly include in your prayers my nephew’s recovery in mental health. Let’s pray for his healing from diabetes and any skin issues, along with positive visits from favored guests, recovery from bowel incontinence, and mindful skin care routines.


Praise Report in Mississippi

Thank you for your prayers. I read aloud Ephesians 6, prayed, and anointed my house and car. I don’t have evil spirits in my house anymore. Please continue to pray against depression, OCD, attention deficit disorder, thyroid problems, B-12 problems, anemia and high blood pressure. Also, pray for my sister, a guidance counselor, and my mom, a retired first-grade teacher.



Please pray for my health and strength. Please pray the doctor doesn’t find any life-threatening diseases or any disease that will change my life forever, as I prepare for my first physical. I haven’t had one in a long time. Please pray that if I have any seen or unseen health problems, that God will bless me with a supernatural healing in all areas throughout my body, mind, and soul. Thank you all for your prayers. 


Special Needs

I’m desperately seeking God to heal my ovaries, my womb, and my eggs. Pray for God to bless me and my husband to naturally conceive a healthy baby. Pray that I carry that baby full term. Pray that the baby will have a happy and healthy life. Also, pray for my husband and me, for we are desperately seeking for God to have a miracle of good news, for a positive pregnancy test.


Healing in Maryland

Pray for my friend, Dale, who is in the hospital on oxygen and a feeding tube. Also, pray for fast recovery and release from the hospital. Pray that he doesn’t have to go to a nursing home.



Lord Jesus, please set Ny free from prison and addictions. Pray that the Lord will move on the heart of the judge, to remove the mountain that is keeping her in prison and move on the lawyer to request and fight for your will for Ny’s life. Pray that God will grant Ny peace and a sound mind. Pray for the Lord’s will in her life. Pray that God will protect her and encourage her in Jesus’ name. Amen.


Provision Needs in California

Please agree with me in prayer for my brother, Arthur, for a permanent career. He is a general contractor and without a permanent job position. Please pray for finances to be covered for him and his family. Please also pray for my wife Maria and her family. She just got terminated, so please pray for that other door to be opened and that all finances are covered in the meantime. They just got another apartment but now are terminated. Please pray for her finances and my brother Arthur’s finances to be covered. Please pray for complete healing for my mom Lupe and myself Ruben. Please also pray for healing for my wife Maria and her mom Myrna. Please pray for everyone to move since we all live in different states. Please pray for my sister Irene and my sister Rosemary since they are both going through divorces. Pray for the HOLY SPIRIT to heal them and their families from these divorces, thank you very much.


Healing in Sweden

On top of this terrible disease, I suffer from hot and cold flashes. I had pain in my muscles and joints in the legs, because of the menopause. Apparently, these symptoms are very common when it comes to menopause. I feel that I cannot take any more pain. Please pray for me. I really need a breakthrough. 32 years is a very long time. I have been healed before but from another health issue in 2010. I will never ever give up on my healing. Thank you so much for praying!


Special Needs in New York

Please pray for my children and me. Pray for our prosperity, happiness, great health, our bonds, and relationships to be restored.

– Jeannette


Pray for me to have more energy. I need healing from exhaust fatigue. I need the ability to sleep better so I can wake up not so tired. Pray that God will heal me and give me renewed energy. Pray for the side-effects to be taken away from medication. I take medication that works well; however, it just causes tiredness.


Healing in Michigan

Please pray for my nephew, Douglas. Pray he recovers from any brain damage. He needs to safely take showers and change clothes on his own. Also, pray for my niece, Katy and for us to understand what God wants us to do for my nephew’s total care and some fun activities in Jesus’ name. Pray for the safe catch of all the yard cats at his house. Pray for my sister’s feet and for her eyes to be healed from glaucoma.



Pray in agreement with me. I’m writing to request your prayers for my friend, Marita, to navigate a challenging chapter in her life. She is facing health problems with cancer, and the doctors don’t have answers. Please pray for her healing. Pray for clarity and discernment for the doctors. Pray for peace and hope for Marita and her husband. Thank you for standing with us in prayer. Your support means the world to us.


Family Concerns in California

Please pray for my husband, Felix’s salvation, deliverance from addictions, and our marriage. Pray that the Lord restores my marriage and replaces his stoney heart with a heart of flesh. Pray he would not neglect the marriage anymore. Thank you.


Family Concerns

Please pray for my family to get financial help. We are behind on property taxes. Help is needed. Thank you for all your prayers.


Special Needs in Ohio

Pray with me that Jesus answers all my prayers in my books and journal. Praise You Lord in advance. Amen.


Family Concerns in Michigan

Pray for the salvation of family members: Donald, Eleanor, Donna, Julie, Mike, and Pat. Thank you. They won’t listen to me. Pray that the Lord sends laborers into their paths. Thank you.


Provision Needs

Pray I find a safe home to live in. Pray for me to be completely free from abusive situations. Please pray God intervenes in situations. Thank you.


Healing in New Jersey

Agree with me in prayer for my church, the state of New Jersey, Stockton University and Saint Paul’s College, Sheryl, and a family I know. Also, pray for Frieda, Jean, McQueen, Fonte, and 3 other families I know. Pray for my neighbors and friends. Please keep us all in prayer.


Special Needs in California

Pray for those who are homeless with their pets; Luis, Zodiac, Melissa, Sadie, Alex, Moxie, and Purcilla. Pray for Mark, Michelle, Scooter, and Lin! Pray for salvation for my Mormon friends; David, Kent, Cathy, Henderson, Jacobson, Robert, Dale, Craig, and Wayne! Thank you.


Special Needs

Pray for me to be one with the Word of God.


Special Needs

I need prayer for supernatural breakthrough and open doors in every area of my life. Pray for my deliverance from constant fatigue and indigestion and lack of appetite during lunch time.


Healing in Michigan

I have severe pain in my neck that is connected to my left arm. The pain pills I take do not help. It has been constant for over two weeks. It is like a toothache in my arm. I ask for healing in Jesus’s name. Amen.


Family Concerns

Please pray for my family. We currently lost the home we were living in due to financial hardship. We are staying in a cabin at a campground until next week, after that, I’m not sure where we will be going. Please pray that God will find a place for me and my children. I feel broken. I feel that I have let my children down. Please pray for me to stay strong for my children. Thank you!



Pray for Oscar’s healing of cancer.


Family Concerns

Please pray for my family and me. The enemy has been firing darts and we need your prayers of agreement, in Jesus’ sweet name. We need direction, peace, love, unity, hope, and support, in Jesus’ mighty name. Amen.

– Candace

Healing in Missouri

Praying for miraculous healing for my boyfriend, Jimmy. He had a wreck on Good Friday and fractured his arm due to an Ischemic stroke that’s effected his left side. Also, please pray for his salvation. Thank you and God bless.


Healing in California

Pray that I overall receive healing and restoration in Jesus’ name.


Special Needs

Pray for me to draw close to God and He draw close to me. Pray for my faith to increase and that I feel God’s presence. Pray that God will help me make wise decisions and to increase in wisdom.


Special Needs

Agree with me in prayer for God to find a woman for me to share romantic love with.


Special Needs

Agree with me in prayer against witchcraft sent to me.


Healing in Illinois

Please pray for healing for my mom. She is having procedures and tests done to figure out what is causing her internal/stomach issues.


Special Needs in Sweden

Please pray for me to meet a woman God wants me to love and marry. Pray that God will help me find a new job. I dislike my job and it is not according to my heart’s desires. It makes my spirit very tired. Please pray for me. I question what God’s plan for me looks like. Pray that the answers come. Also, pray that God comforts me and calms me down. I struggle with feelings of fear. Thank you!


Healing in Alabama

My husband tore his meniscus while he was running with our son, over a year ago. It keeps swelling up on him, making it difficult to walk, however, he doesn’t want surgery. He works on his feet at a lawnmower shop as a salesperson. We need complete recovery in Jesus’ name. I home school our 12 and half year old. Pray we get out of debt again and are able give more to God’s Kingdom. Also, pray for my sister’s needs. Pray for healing in her hands which are in intense pain and for her mouth and lips. She has a hard time eating and drinking anything. She already has Lupus and Fibromyalgia. Please pray she gets her breathing rhythm back in order. She stays depressed and oppressed since her divorce and the death of our brother. Thank you and God bless you.


Provision Needs in Minnesota

I recently lost my job after 23 years. I was the bread winner of my family that consisted of my husband and myself. I have constantly been looking for employment but cannot find a job. I am asking that you pray for me to find a job and one that is to my liking.



Pray for a miracle, breakthrough financially, healing, and deliverance in my life.


Healing in Wyoming

Please, pray that the Lord will heal my right arm, which is afflicted by radial tunnel syndrome. Pray that the nerves and muscles completely heal, so that I can play guitar again.


Special Needs

I am at the time of my life when my 94-year-old mother needs help and support. My other siblings are no longer alive, and the responsibility is on me. In addition, I have dealt with anxiety during my life. I would like to have prayers to support my journey in working with anxiety.


Family Concerns

Please pray that I may be guided by the Holy Spirit to do the right thing. We are in a financial crisis as my husband has not been paid by his company for the last few months. We have borrowed money from people and now it’s high time I looked for a job here. I would not mind working to support my family, however, I have a 2-month-old baby and I’m not that confident sending him to day care. Please pray that I may find a way wherein I can care for my baby and support my family too. And pray my husband gets paid well to manage our expenses.


Provision Needs

Please pray for me to get an Executive Director job. I lost my job three months ago and I was making great money. The jobs I’m getting now are all at entry level. I have many years of experience in this role, and I enjoyed my role at my last job. Please pray for me in Jesus’ name.


Family Concerns

Please pray that I connect with a Godly wife.



Pray for my children. Pray that I can stop vaping and smoking weed, so that I can live a long life. Pray that God will defeat my enemies and command them to tell the truth. Pray that I receive my healing, after being attacked with needles and toxic fuels that may have been radioactive. There was an investigation by homeland security for terrorism by a violent immigrant Muslim.  Although I’m ok, I still fear for my health.


Special Needs

Touch and agree with me in prayer that I am obedient in all things. I ask to have a heart and life pure and pleasing to God. Pray that I am forgiven in all areas in which I have failed God. He deserves to be obeyed. I ask for God’s grace, mercy, protection, and blessing. I need encouragement now and forever by God’s gentle grace and mercy alone. Amen and thank you.


Provision Needs in Tennessee

I had a car that broke down or was tampered with, so I sold it. I need the money to pay down to get another car. I have been a giver all my life and I guess I have given too much. However, if I can get a better paying job or get $1500.00 for a down payment I can get a car. I need to get around to go to church and seeing my grandchildren. Please pray for me. Be Blessed.


Provision Needs

I need prayer for God’s covering, protection and blessings upon my life and family. Pray for God to deliver me from all evil and demonic conspiracy and oppressions in my life. Pray for spiritual and financial breakthrough in my life. Also, pray for me to receive the filling and guidance of the Holy Spirit in and through my life in ministry.


How to know God!

1. God loves you and created you to know Him personally. He desires that you have a full life.

“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life.”
(John 3:16)

“I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.”
(John 10:10)

2. Man is sinful and separated from God, so we cannot know Him personally or experience His love.

“For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God”
(Romans 3:23)

Man was created to have fellowship with God. However, because of his own stubborn self-will and rebellion, he chose to go his own way. Because of this, fellowship with God was broken. This rebellion and attitude is what the Bible calls sin.

For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
(Romans 6:23)

“He will punish those who do not know God and do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus. They will be punished with everlasting destruction and shut out from the presence of the Lord and from the majesty of his power.”
(II Thessalonians 1:8-9)

3. Jesus Christ is God’s only provision for man’s sin. Through Him alone, we can know God’s personally and experience His love.

“But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”
(Romans 5:8)

“Jesus answered, ‘I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.’”
(John 14:6)

God bridged the gulf that separates us from Him by sending His Son, Jesus Christ, to die on the cross in our place to pay the penalty for our sins.

4. We must individually receive Jesus Christ as our Savior; then we can know God personally and experience His love.

“Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God”
(John 1:12)

“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith-and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God”
(Ephesians 2:8)

We receive Christ through a personal invitation.

“Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me.”
(Revelation 3:20)

Receiving Christ means turning to God from self (repentance) and trusting Jesus to come into our lives, knowing He will forgive us of our sins.

“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.”
(I John 1:9)

We receive Christ, by faith, as an act of our will.

5. You can receive Christ right now by praying this prayer (prayer is simply talking to God):

“Father, I know that I am a sinner and I ask you to forgive me. I believe Christ died for me and I want to turn from my sins. Jesus, come into my heart and be my personal Lord and Savior. I promise to obey you and follow you all the days of my life.”

If you repeated that prayer in sincerity, then the Bible says you are a new creation:

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!”
(II Corinthians 5:17)

You have made one of the most important decisions of your life! We would like to know about your decision and want to help you learn more about your relationship with Jesus Christ. Please fill out the information so we can send you material to help you in your new-found faith.